Lack of diversity in the the creative industries is an large issue which often goes unnoticed and unrecognised, although there may be developments in some forms of representation that we see in creative industries I have found that opportunities and spaces for creatives from different ethnic minority backgrounds are less common and these industries are therefore less accessible to creatives from POC backgrounds.
Research from the Office of the National Statistics (UK) has shown this through a survey published in the ‘Cultural Trends’ journal. This study showed that in large parts of the Creative and Cultural Industries, less than 7% of employees are from Black or ethnic minority backgrounds showing an extremely large race gap and inequality in opportunity.
This editorial is an exploration of representation and self-expression. The aim for this editorial is to create a series which provides a platform and opportunity for POC creatives from different areas of the creative industries to be recognised and celebrated and for them to be in charge of their own representation and expression. It is a portraiture based exploration on the identities and experiences of different creatives from different ethnic backgrounds and their place in creative industries.